[閒聊] Just changed the appearance

It’s being a while for me to change the appearance of my blog. Because I like minimalism themes, I keep finding anything about this kind of skin. Not only because I can train my ability to modify CSS but like it. Finally, I got a satisfying one called ‘The Journalist template’ made by Lucian E. Marin just now.

Now, it’s time for me to tune my blog :P~ But I need to sleep first because it’s almost 3 am now … See you guys next time :]

[閒聊] cp-minimal

最近太無聊了,一直到處找合用的WP theme,但是都沒有看到堪用的,就不知怎麼找的,就找到這個cp-minimal的風格,感覺還蠻輕巧的,這就是所謂的反璞歸真吧XD,如果誰那邊有什麼好看的theme,麻煩推一下囉:D